“Move along the road of life only in the right direction, choose the job you prefer, believe in your strengths and dreams, never give up, make your life bright and beautiful. I wish you creative achievements and victories, solid plans for the future and personal happiness. We believe in your success.”
History of ASOU
Moscow Regional Institute of Supplementary Professional Education for Teachers being renamed into Moscow Regional Institute of Advanced Training for Teachers and later on into Pedagogical Academy of Post-Graduate Education was established in 1930.
The Academy of Public Administration is the inheritor of the above-mentioned harbingers. ASOU, which, in Russian, stands for the Academy of Public Administration, was founded on September 06, 2004 by the decree of Moscow Region’s Governor Boris Gromov. The necessity of its creation was caused by the demand for highly-skilled staff aimed at social process management and need for scientific teachers’ training of Moscow Region.
The Academy is a state institution of higher professional education in Moscow Region performing educational, cultural and scientific activities secondary, higher education as well as additional professional education.
From the outset ASOU was intended to become a unique academic research and education center. It quickly became Moscow Region’s leading training institution, with ASOU professors making a major contribution across the fields of teaching and upbringing. Additionally, it took a position at the forefront of scientific endeavor, with the establishment of 5 renowned scientific research and methods centers, 9 scientific practical centers , 40 chairs and departments, and as the workplace of many outstanding Russian scientists including 304 State Doctors of Philosophy and 58 members of different scientific academies.
The range of academic disciplines being offered is constantly expanding, with new departments and scientific centers.
Founded as an academy to forge professionals for regional needs, ASOU has today become a unique regional humanities center with a reputation for scientific excellence.
The Academia’s founder is The Moscow Region Ministry of Education.
Lidya Antonova, Doctor of Pedagogics, Alexander Asmolov, Doctor of Psychology and Vyacheslav Ivannikov, Doctor of Psychology have become the inspirers for the Academy’s foundation.
Every year ASOU accepts new students, from many regions of the Russian Federation. Students from C.I.S. (Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine) are also studying at the moment.
We are successfully developing our international cooperation with the educational institutions around the world being deeply interested in mutually-beneficial activity and in membership in various international associations and unions.
The mission of the Academy
- satisfaction of personal needs in intellectual, cultural and moral development by all the forms of education including higher and postgraduate education
- satisfaction of society and state demand in highly qualified professionals of various jobs
- implementation of innovations and know-how in socially significant projects
- organization and conduct of fundamental and applied scientific researches including the issues of educational area and creative activities of the staff
- preparation, professional upgrading, and in advanced and service training and advanced training of specialists and managerial staff
- accumulation, conservation and development of moral, cultural and scientific values of the society
- scientific, methodical, organizational and technical support of stable innovative development of Moscow Region education
Academy Administration
Certificate of State Accreditation
The state license is №0458, dated 07.12.12.
The state accreditation is №1388, dated 20.07.15.
In August-September, 2009 the preparation of QMS ASOU for certification was finished, and in October the independent expert certified appraisal of QMS ASOU in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 international standard requirements of the university educational process was included in area of certification.
The certification was carried out by Association on certification «the Russian Register» (St. Petersburg) (further – RR).
The association on certification «the Russian Register» is a member of the International network for certification of IQNet; in Russia it is the leading body on certifications of controlling systems in quality, trust to which rendered over 3000 enterprises, including universities of the countries of the near and far abroad.
The management «Russian Register» made the decision to recognize of QMS ASOU of the latest version of the ISO 9001:2008 international standard corresponding to requirements.
And in November, 2009 the certificates of RR and the international certified IQNet network and compliance signs were handed over to the rector of ASOU, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education V.L.Matrosov. ASOU was officially registered on a site of this international organization.
ASOU Charter
Collective agreement
Higher professional education: with bachelor and master majoring
ASOU comprises three faculties:
The Faculty of Management:
38.03-04.03 – State and Municipal Administration
38.03-04.02 – Management
43.03.02 – Tourism
43.03.03 – Hotel Business
The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy:
37.03.01 – Psychology
44.03.01 - Pedagogical education (Foreign Languages)
Faculty of Supplementary Professional Education
Every year more than 25000 Moscow Region teachers upgrade their skills in dozens of programs launched by ASOU in various areas linked with education.
For more information contact International Relations Department
The Academy of Public Administration (ASOU) is a multi-disciplinary educational and research center not only at the regional level. Scientists of ASOU have made a lot of scientific discoveries obtained patents and copyright certificates for their inventions.
Much attention is paid to the scientific work of students and post-graduates. The efficiencyis confirmed by certificates delivered at exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of youth. Students and graduates ASOU are winners in different Russian contests.
Foreign scientists and researchers show considerable interest in research made in ASOU. Scientists from Belorus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, China, Germany and other countries take part in conferences held by the Academy every year.
ASOU also participates in many projects orientated towards innovative educations in various areas, such as up-to-date teaching methods, investigations on contemporary mentalities, innovations in education.
There are 15 Research Centers. The key Educational Scientific Centersare:
- Strategic development center
- Quality of education center
- Professional education development center
- Applied psychology education center
- Risks and socio-psychological aid monitoring center
- Socio-pedagogical support of childhood managing center
- Educational projects support center
- Data processing regional center
Academy Chairs
The Academy comprises 31 key chairs among them are:
The Faculty of Management:
- Service Chair
- Economics and Management Chair
- State and Municipal Management Chair
The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics:
- Practical General Psychology and Psychological Development Chair
- Practical Personality Psychology and Individual Consulting Chair
- Foreign Languages Methods Teaching Chair
- Human Development and Physical Education Chair
- Philology Chair
- Educational Management Chair
- Technologies and Professional Education Chair
- Social Studies, History and Cultural Heritage Chair
- General and Pedagogical Psychology Chair
- Artistic and Aesthetic Teaching Chair
- Mathematical Sciences Chair
- Integrated Security Chair
- Informational and Communicative Technologies Chair
- Pre-school Education Chair
- Supplementary Education and Childhood Support Chair
- Supplementary and Inclusive Education Chair
- Educational Systems Chair
- Primary Education Chair
- Natural Sciences Chair
Scientific School headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Tatyana Sergeeva.
Priority research areas: Theory of Education and Teaching, Teaching Methods in secondary and higher schools.
Scientific School headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Valentina Voronkova.
Priority research areas: Correctional and supplementary schools, schools for retarded children, children’s autism, Oligophrenopedagogy, teaching of disabled children.
Scientific School headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Valentina Kalney.
Priority research areas: Primary and secondary vocational schools, teaching methods in primary and secondary vocational schools.
Scientific School headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Grigoriy Kornetov.
Scientific research areas: History of Pedagogy and Education.
Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
13.00.01 General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education
13.00.08 Theory and Methodology of Professional Education
08.00.05 Economics, Branch and Regional Economics
For more informationcontact International Relations Department
Scientific Journals
ASOU regularly issues scientific bulletins and journals.
The main periodical of the academy is "Vestnik ASOU", which is published since 1998. On its pages scientists of ASOU and their colleagues from other universities, schools and research organizations in Russia and abroad report on their latest research findings, invite them for discussions, publish reviews and announcements of scientific conferences and seminars.
The printed version of the journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Legislation in Mass Communications and Cultural Heritage. Each episode of the magazine is sent to the Russian Book Chamber, which carries distribution of "Vestnik ASOU" to the Russian State Library and other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of Russian Federation.
The publication is intended for researchers, teachers, universities and institutes, graduate students, and for every person who may be interested in the achievements of modern science.
The basis of the policy of "Vestnik ASOU" is the principle of openness of the journal for authors and readers. Open access to the archives of any of the series of the magazine is provided on the magazine's website (http://www.vestnik-asou.ru ) and on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library (www.elibrary.ru ).
In 2007 the Academy was awarded the Grand Prize at the first All-Russia “Innovations in education” contest
All full-time students have opportunity to live in one of ASOU dormitories. The Academy has 3 modern dormitories. All dormitories are well equipped. Students are accommodated in a room with 2 or 3 beds. Kitchens with cookers and fridges are located on the floor. A laundry is available.
The dormitory fee is determined by the ASOU administration.
Free Wi-Fi is available in all dormitories.
Security supervises the dormitories.
Smoking and strong drinks are prohibited.
Relatives and guests are allowed to stay in the dormitories from 11 a.m. and to11 p.m.
Accommodation in dormitories:
Orders for accommodation in dormitories are written out by the Housing Department according to the lists after students’ enrollment.
Our dormitory occupies the 7-th place in Top 10 among 896 universities of the Russian Federation.
The Russian Federation, 129344, Moscow, Enisseyaskaya3, building 3
Student Union - a voluntary organization which brings students together and helps to guide them on their way through the Academy of Social Management (ASOU). The Student Union plans and organizes a range of social and artistic events, and contributes to professional development through a variety of information initiatives, in addition to providing an effective cooperation mechanism between students and the Academy administration.
Student Science Society (NSO) - conducts research activities and practical workshops. Its participants have the opportunity to gain practical experience and carry out their own research projects. The NSO is organized in the form of interest clubs.
The ASOU Cultural Center hosts entertainment and creative activities for students and graduates in the Academy, including balls, discos, New Year parties, alumni meetings and a range of other events. In addition to the vocal, theatrical and dance groups, there is a fine arts studio and film society, as well as many other projects in which ASOU students are actively involved.
Major Events
Freshmen Day - A cultural and sports event held in September to congratulate newcomers with joining the ASOU “club”. The event program includes a greeting made by the Rector, an initiation ceremony for first-year students, followed by a range of sports, a concert, and a disco.
Friendship Evening - A concert and dining event organized by the Student Union, which provides an outstanding example of friendship, tolerance, youth and love.
Theatrical performances – The Theatre Studio offers classic and contemporary drama productions. Foreign language department also often presents its own short productions in English.
Miss ASOU - A contest that has become a tradition, allowing young women studying at the Academy to show their individuality, uniqueness and charm.
Day of the Academy – The homecoming of alumni, which takes place in October.
Social Activities:
- help for disabled children;
- help for aged people;
- help for war veterans;
- participation in various charity activities (balls and marathons).
Volunteer Activities
The students of the Academy have been participating in different cultural and sport events held by Moscow and the Moscow Region government including Europe and the World championships.
International Relations Department
Head of International Relations Department: Sergey N. Volkov
Tel: +7(495) 354-82-47, +7(495)354-82-74, extension 126
The Academy of Public Administration (ASOU) International Relations Department as an element of the ASOU educational, research and innovational development was founded in April 2015 for coordination and practical realization of international cooperation with foreign partners. Our primary goal is to encourage the ASOU integration into the world research, educational and informational field.
Today the ASOU cooperates with more than 10 partners worldwide.
With the help of foreign embassies and active student participation, International Relations Department organizes different cultural and research activities such as exhibitions, conferences, concerts, presentations of famous writers and days of national cultures, etc. Cultural Cooperation with foreign partners gives a wonderful opportunity to learn more about national traditions and customs, history and languages of different countries.
The objectives and goals of International Relations Department
- admission of foreign students
- realization of academic mobility of the ASOU students and faculty
- coordination of different international projects
- processing of foreign business trips for the ASOU faculty and staff
- processing of foreign scholarships for the ASOU students
- preparation of draft agreements with foreign partner Universities
- conclusion of agreements for admission of foreign students
- issue of necessary documents: student ID, permission documents etc.
- organization of Summer and Winter international programs
- accommodation at the ASOU dormitory
- meeting and parting of teachers and students at airports
- processing of invitations at Federal Migration Service for foreign undergraduate and postgraduate students, professors and researches
- processing of visas for foreign business trips (For the ASOU staff)
- processing of invitations and business visas for foreign teachers
- registration of duration of stay and extension of visas for foreign students, researches and scientists
- registration and extension of duration of stay for CIS citizens
- preparation and organization of international conferences and seminars
- organization of joint cultural activities with the help of foreign embassies
- organization of public lectures of international professors, public figures and politicians
Tel: +7(495) 354-82-47, +7(495)354-82-74, extension 126
Application for Invitation
In order to enable International department to go through all formalities for an invitation, the following data is necessary for International Relations Department:
1. The aim of your visit and the name of the person who had invited you.
2. A photocopy of the passport, i.e. the one with your photo (sometimes photocopies are unclear, please send us the additional information on block letters: passport number and terms of passport validity).
3. The full address of your organization, where you work/study (country, zip/postal code, city, street, civic number, telephone and fax numbers).If you neither work nor study please provide your home address and home telephone number.
4. The full name of the organization where you work/study.
5. Your status in this organization, i.e. professor, student etc.
6. Please, specify the country, the district, the city of your birth.
7. Please, indicate (Embassy or Consulate) where you are going to get your visa.
8. What type of visa you require (single, double or multiple).
9. The exact date of your visit to ASOU.
10. Where will you live (the hostel ASOU, a hotel or a private apartment)
11. Mail and telephone contact at which you expect our invitation.
12. Post address (country, zip or postal code, city, street and number, telephone number) where you would like the original of the invitation to be sent.
This information should reach us not later than one month before your supposed arrival, because the invitations are issued through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and terms of invitation issue are determined by the Ministry and not by ASOU.
If any of these 8 points is not fulfilled, please, note that we would not be able to issue your invitation.
If you have any other questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us.
+7(495)354-82-47, +7(495)354-82-74, extension 126